PR2 Profile Probe Installation

Augering and Extraction Kits for optimal Access Tube installation

Profile Probes are used within access tubes inserted into augered holes in the soil – correct installation is vital for accurate measurement of soil moisture profiles.

The goal of installation is to produce optimal contact between the soil and the wall of the access tube. The augered holes should be straight, smooth sided and the correct diameter. Delta-T augering kits help you achieve the best possible access tube installation in virtually any soil. However it may not be possible to install an access tube successfully in very stony soils, or where a site features compaction, voids, foreign bodies, or soil instability.

Three types of augering kit are available (a PR-AUG2 25mm spiral auger should be ordered in addition to the selected kit for dry sandy soils).

Augering Kit features

The key components are:

Stabilisation plate to keep the auger vertical. Reading errors can arise from conical enlargement of the hole (funnelling) during augering, especially in the top 30cm. This results in poor contact between the surface of the access tube and the surrounding soil. The stabilisation plate minimises this effect.

Insertion rod to drive the access tube into an augered hole by applying force to the bottom of the tube (normally by hammering). This new technique reduces the flexing that can produce air gaps around the access tube and minimises soil displacement.

Finishing auger to expand augered pilot holes to the exact diameter required for an access tube. This specially designed adjustable finishing auger produces straight, smooth-sided holes in most soil types.

Extraction Kit

The optional PR-EXK1 is a heavy duty system for removing installed access tubes from the ground. The kit includes a cast iron jack, chains, jack foot and a tube clamp

Tutorial Video

PR2 Profile Probe – A Guide to Augering and Measurement


Augering kit selection
soil type and depth PR-ASK1-S Starter Kit (short) PR-ASK1-L Starter Kit (long) PR-AKC1Complete Kit
Up to 40cm depth ✓✓ ✓✓✓
Up to 1m depth ‚úó ✓✓ ✓✓✓
  • For dry, sandy soils the PR-AUG225mm spiral auger should be ordered in addition to the selected augering kit
  • Only the complete kit includes a carrying bag
  • All items can be ordered individually
✓ = Meets basic need
✓✓ = Well suited
✓✓✓ = Well suited & includes items for extra convenience
‚úó = Unsuitable


Ordering information
PR-ASK1-S Augering starter kit (short). For short access tube installation only, includes 24mm pilot auger, stabilisation plate and access tube insertion rod.
PR-ASK1-L Augering starter kit (long).For access tube installation (long or short tubes), includes all items in PR-ASK1-S Kit, plus finishing auger and mallet.
PR-AKC1 Augering kit (complete).For access tube installation (long or short tubes), includes all items in PR-ASK1-L Kit, plus flexicanes, carrying bag and cleaning rod.
PR-AUG2 25mm spiral auger, for dry sandy soils.
PR-EXK1 Access tube extraction kit.



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