Cloud-based data sharing platform
DeltaLINK-Cloud is a sophisticated and secure online data viewing, management and sharing platform for Delta-T Devices data loggers.
Connect and upload, then monitor, organise and share your sensor data with ease. Live data can be viewed remotely on mobile devices via animated dashboards.
Remote data monitoring on mobile devices
Animated live data dashboard graphics
Easy data sharing for collaborative projects
Powerful charting and reporting features
Smart SIM card provided – for easy set-up
Secure and encrypted
Remote management of multiple sites
Multi-language (En, Fr, De, Es, 中文)
“Your DeltaLINK-Cloud system has made a tremendous difference to our ability to manage our sites, it would be a nightmare without it.”
Dr Chris Davey, Aberystwyth University, Wales
View live data dashboards and reports
DeltaLINK-Cloud is an advanced, yet easy to use solution that helps you view and share sensor data online.
Its intuitive interface enables you to:
Set the datalogger to automatically upload data to DeltaLINK-Cloud at regular intervals
Graph the uploaded data in multiple formats and styles
Generate widgets that display critical data as live animated graphics on mobile devices
Share access to data in report form with project collaborators and stakeholders
Use Remote Logger Control feature to minimise time consuming visits
Key features and benefits
Case Studies
Precision Irrigation
The NIAB EMR WET (Water Efficient Technologies) Centre houses an integrated portfolio of cutting-edge growing techniques and trickle irrigation systems for the soft fruit sector. It provides commercial scale demonstrations, one to one expert technical advice, and training workshops.
The Centre’s commercially available Precision Irrigation Package system features our SM150T Soil Moisture Sensor and advanced GP2 Data Logger and Controller. Live system data is remotely monitored by the centre’s managers using the DeltaLINK-Cloud platform to ensure optimum performance at all times.
Quinta Field Study Centre
The Quinta de Sao Pedro Field Study Centre in Portugal is visited by many of Europe’s leading Universities.
A Delta-T Devices weather station system – complete with soil moisture monitoring and solar radiation analysis provides reference data for the Centre, and is linked to the DeltaLINK-Cloud platform for immediate remote data access.
“We have been using your weather station and DeltaLINK-Cloud platform as part of our GRACE research project, and we’d like to thank you for these high quality products and the professional service we have received.“
Assoc. Prof. Vanja Jurisic, PhD and Mislav Kontek, mag. ing. agr. (me), University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Getting started in 5 easy steps
1. Visit www.deltalink-cloud.com
2. For free registration – click on the “Create an account” button, and input required fields
3. The home screen has three sections – Manage Devices, Datasets and Reports*
There are demo reports and live datasets for you to explore
4. To access the reports section, click on the “Reports” button. Then click on the “View report” button to view the charted data
5. To zoom in and out on the data – click and drag horizontally on the charts (mouse) or pinch and stretch horizontally (touch screens)
*There is a “Help” option in the top right hand of the screen