ST4-05 Soil Temperature Probe (10k) (5 m cable)

    How to Buy

The ST4 is a soil temperature probe based on a 10K thermistor (see specification for details).

The thermistor is housed in a stainless steel sheath of 6 mm nominal outside diameter, 120 mm long, connected to a 5 m or 10 m cable.

Thermistor type – 10 K

ST4-05 fitted with 5 m cable
ST4-10 fitted with 10 m cable


Temperature Sensors

Type Description Probe type Probe accuracy (°C) Probe range (°C) Cable typeNumber of coresCable range (°C) Data logger accuracy
DL6(a) (°C) GP1(b) (°C) GP2(c) (°C)
ST1-05Soil temperature probe 2k thermistor, stainless steel sheath, 6s response.2k± 0.2-50 to 150PVC2-10 to +105± 0.4± 0.4± 0.09
ST2-05Precision temperature probe, 2k thermistor, stainless steel sheath, 6s response.2k± 0.1(f)-50 to 150PVC2-10 to +105± 0.4± 0.4± 0.09
ST3-05Sealed thermistor Probe, 2k thermistor, with sealed sheath and leads suitable for continuous immersion in fresh water.2k± 0.2-20 to +80Poly-ethelene2-20 to +80± 0.4± 0.4± 0.09
ST4-05Soil temperature probe 10k thermistor, stainless steel sheath, 6s response, IP67.10k± 0.2-10 to +40PVC2(d)-10 to +40Not available± 0.14± 0.08
STK1-05General purpose K type thermocouple probe, stainless steel sheath.k± 1.5-50 to 250PTFE2-50 to +250Not availableNot available± 1.0
GT1-05General purpose temperature probe, 2k thermistor.2k± 0.2-50 to 150PVC2-10 to +105± 0.4± 0.4± 0.09
MT2-05Fast response temperature sensor, 2k, suitable for leaves2k± 0.1(e)-50 to 150Vy/TEFL(f)4Not available± 0.4± 0.4± 0.09
MT3-05Flexible mini-thermistor Probe, 2k thermistor.2k± 0.1(e)-50 to 150Nylon - PVC2-10 to +105± 0.4± 0.4± 0.09
AT2-05Air temperature sensor, 2k thermistor.2k± 0.1(e)-50 to 150PVC2-10 to +105± 0.4± 0.4± 0.09

a: Additional (worst case) error due to DL6 Data Logger at -10 to +50 °C. b: Additional (typical) error due to GP1 Data Logger at 0 to +60 °C. c: Additional (worst case) error due to GP2 Data Logger at -20 to +60 °C. d: Co-axial single-core with screen acting as signal loop. e: Over 0-70 °C. f: Teflon lead, vinyl tip.



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