DeltaLINK 3.9

DeltaLINK is the PC software for setting up and downloading data from GP2, GP1 and DL6 data loggers.

What’s new in DeltaLINK 3.9
DeltaLINK 3.9 is a minor release including the addition of WET150 support and a few fixes:

  • The WET150 SDI-12 sensors are now supported and is available in the sensor library.
  • The WET2’s default “compensate to” temperature is now 25degC not 20degC
  • A “chart group” property in the GP2 program editor, allows grouping of measurement in charts.
  • Various application notes have been updated.
  • The temperature sensitivity of the permittivity of water in the conversion from ECb to ECp has been updated from 0.4 to 0.3595 as is based on Hubner & Kaatze (2016).
  • Temperature compensation for ECb has been removed.
  • Fixed a bug where the C++ redistributable was not installed properly on some 64bit versions of Windows.
  • Limit the total bits allowed to be record per recording.
  • Fixes a bug where variables were removed if only used in conditional recordings.
  • Fixed bug where power channel was not activated for counter channels in some instanced.
  • Due to library update, DeltaLINK will only on Windows 7 and later.

GP2 SDI-12 support
DeltaLINK 3.2 and later provides support for SDI-12 sensors with GP2 Logger. It includes Firmware Upgrade to version 2.10, which is the first SDI-12 capable GP2 firmware version.
Note that:

  • All GP2s have a SDI-12 input channel and the firmware 2.10 upgrade can be applied retrospectively to any GP2 logger
  • DeltaLINK 3.2 cannot be used to program GP2s running firmware 2.00. If you do not wish to upgrade to GP2 firmware 2.10, you can download DeltaLINK 3.1.2 from the Support / Software Downloads page at
  • SDI-12 is not available for GP1 or DL6 loggers and DeltaLINK 3.2 (and later) is fully compatible with GP1 and DL6 firmware 1.48

For additional information please read DeltaLINK 3.9 Release Notes.

Download DeltaLINK 3.9 – for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10